Friday, June 4, 2010

This One's for Mitchell/I don't feel like writing much because intenet costs money:

The past 2 days in brief (partially because of the reason above, partially because Mitchell thinks I write too much!)


Arrived at night.
Went to eat.
Girl stood RIGHT beside me as I was beginning to look at the menu.
I asked her if she could go and come back in five minutes.
She didn't understand.
Tried to flip my menu as I started looking at a page.
I was a little short with her and Stu thought I was rude.
I thought she was rude.
Eat eat eat
Food, good.

Market, market, mosquito bites.
Coming home, banana lady.
Wants 5 yuan for TWO little bananas.
I said 'five yuan!?'
I walk away.
she says 'Hey hey, how much how much?!'
I say 'no' and we keep walking
'4 YUAN!' she yelled.
'no' we say
she RUNS after us with the bananas in hand (this is not a petite lady, and a very hilarious scene)
She was, however, defeated.
She followed us for 20 meters yelling 'DO YOU WANT? 2 YUAN!'
ooooo it was funny.

Walkie walkie walkie, sleepie sleepie (to quote mama naxi)

Yangshuo day 2:

Yelling outside our room.
Delerious, cross Vanessa.
Sleeping, oblivious Stuart.
Reading Vanessa
Sleeping Stuart
Showering Vanessa
Sleeping Stuart
Downstairs e-mailing Vanessa
Sleeping Stuart
Checking the time Vanessa...
Running upstairs Vanessa
Sleeping Stuart
Yelling about wasting the day Vanessa
Awake Stuart

We went to McDonalds in the morning.. well, afternoon, I guess.
Lately we eat grocery store bread, peanut butter and banana for breakfast.
As the Chinese would say 'Is very cheaper price!'
Stuart 'felt bad' for sitting in McDonalds without ordering
(secretly I think he just wanted an excuse for the milkshake he ordered!)
Walking walking walking in the HOT sun and mosquitoey town
Came back, relaxed
booked our fun for the evening
had an early dinner/late lunch of mango chicken, kung pao chicken, fried rice, and cucumber salad
impressed with mango chicken
will go back tomorrow
caught bus
went to light show by the man who did the Beijing Olympics opening ceremonies
were impressed
(not by mosquitos)

saw a fully grown boy dabbing sweat with a kleenex off of his mom's neck

got dropped off and had mango ice


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